Flea Pest Control in Tracy

It’s that time of the year when the warmer weather comes back in full force. And with it, fleas and ticks arrive as well. Most pet owners deal with a flea problem at some point. Fleas can quickly become a big nuisance and make life very difficult for both you and your pet. They feed on blood and have a tendency to make their way into homes without notice. Once inside, they can live for about one year and can be difficult to control once an infestation begins. The best way to prevent this from happening is by contacting Killroy Pest Control for professional flea control services in Tracy!

Get Rid of Fleas

Most pet owners deal with a flea problem at some point.

Fleas can be hard to control once an infestation begins, but they aren’t impossible if you take the right steps.

Fleas are blood-sucking insects that live on mammals, including cats and dogs. They are most commonly found on the animal’s skin, but will also feed from humans as well. These parasites can live up to one year without feeding. It’s important that you use preventative methods in order to keep them under control.

Fleas can quickly become a big nuisance and make life very difficult for both you and your pet. Fleas cannot fly but they have long back legs that allow them to leap long distances from host to host. Fleas can jump more than 200 times their body length.

Flea bites cause irritation and discomfort in pets, especially around the neck. Flea saliva also contains an anticoagulant. It allows the flea to feed without blood clotting. The anticoagulant also makes it easy for flea larvae inside eggs living off you pet’s bloodstream too.

Adult female flea eggs can hatch within ten days after being laid on animal hosts. Different types of larvae take up between one week up until several months depending on environmental before turning into pupae which then emerge later as adults.

Stop fleas by contacting Killroy Pest Control in Tracy.

The best way to prevent fleas is by contacting Killroy for professional pest control services in Tracy. Our staff has been trained specifically on how to treat homes that have been infested with fleas. We’ll work quickly to get rid of them before they can cause any damage or discomfort for anyone inside the home.

We know how difficult it can be to control fleas and ticks. So don’t wait until it’s too late! Let us help you take care of your flea problem once and for all. Give us a call today before those pesky fleas become even more problematic than they already are!

Killroy professionals can help to control your flea problem.

Call 888-669-3460 today!

We're here for you.

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