The Benefits of Spiders in Your Home
Spiders may seem like scary, unfriendly creatures. After all, films and folklore often present spiders as the evil arachnids that weave webs to lure their prey. Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is the most common fear in Western culture. But then there is Spiderman, who uses his super-spider skills to fight off the bad guys, and of course, there is the spider in Charlotte’s Web, who uses her web-weaving skills to save a pig’s life. Most real-life spiders are actually a lot more like Spiderman than the average person may realize. Spiders can be one of the most effective forms of pest control in your home.
The Natural Pest Control Powers of Spiders
Spiders are more than just creepy crawlies lurking in the corners of your home. Spiders are nature’s pest control agents, working to keep your home free of tiny intruders.
Spiders as Pest Exterminators
Spiders have an impressive ability to hunt and eat a wide variety of pests. Specifically, they hunt pests that invade our homes. Here’s a breakdown of just a few of the common pests that spiders help control:
- Roaches: These resilient pests are no match for a hungry spider.
- Earwigs: Spiders help keep these pincher-bearing insects at bay.
- Mosquitoes: Spiders catch and consume these disease-carrying nuisances.
- Flies: Whether it’s house flies or fruit flies, spiders are on the job.
- Clothes Moths: Protect your wardrobe as spiders hunt down these fabric-damaging insects.
- Mites: Spiders reduce the population of these tiny pests.
- Gnats: These small flies are frequently caught in spider webs.
- Wasps: Some spiders are brave enough to tackle these stinging insects.
- Snails and Worms: Yes, some spider species even hunt these slow-moving pests.
Spiders and Human Safety
Despite their fearsome reputation, very few spiders are actually harmful to humans. The vast majority of spiders you encounter in your home are more afraid of you than you are of them. They generally avoid human contact and will only bite if they feel threatened.
Spiders serve as a crucial part of the ecosystem by controlling pest populations. Their presence in your home is a natural form of pest management. Spiders reduce the need for chemical pesticides and other means of pest control.
The Misunderstood Heroes
It’s easy to overlook the importance of spiders due to their often unsettling appearance. Also, the arachnophobia dosen’t help. But, understanding their role in pest control can help you appreciate them. By coexisting with spiders, you are embracing a natural and effective way to keep your home free of pests. So next time you see a spider in your home, remember that it’s hard at work, helping you maintain a pest free home.
Friendly California Spiders
Some friendly spiders you’ll find in California are funnel-web spiders, jumping spiders, garden spiders, cellar spiders (also known as daddy longlegs), and sac spiders. Garden spiders (or orb weavers) are the most common. They can be quite large and weave elaborate webs.
Did you know that not all spiders spin webs to catch prey? Some create protective cases for themselves or their eggs, and some only create silk threads to help them get from one place to another. That means you won’t need to worry about cobwebs forming from these spiders.
Not-So-Friendly California Spiders
There are mainly two species of California spiders that you need to be aware of–the western black widow (Latrodectus Hesperus) and the brown widow (Latrodectus geometricus). These spiders prefer dark and dank places, such as woodpiles, gardens, garages, and closets. Both black and brown widow spiders will have a red or yellow hourglass pattern on their bellies. Female black widow spiders are the only ones that can actually harm humans. While they can cause severe symptoms, they rarely cause death.
It’s also good to know that brown recluse spiders do not live in California.
Keeping Spiders Out of the House
Generally, cobwebs are considered a sign of negligent housekeeping. While you may not be able to keep all spiders out of your house, here are a few ways you can minimize a spider invasion.
- Clean your house regularly
- Seal cracks and holes
- Make sure windows, doors, and screens close tightly
- Clean around the exterior of your house
- Get rid of the insects that draw spiders
- Get periodic pest control inspections and treatment
If you don’t mind coexisting with a few house spiders, you can enjoy some of the benefits of natural pest control in your home. If you have a garden, you’ll definitely want to consider keeping these helpful arachnids around. You can always call Killroy Pest Control if you become concerned about a spider takeover.