Call 888-669-3460 today!
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We are glad to answer any questions or schedule an appointment.
We provide commercial and residential pest control services in the South San Francisco Bay, Tri-Valley areas, and Santa Cruz County.
Tree Disease and Treatment Services
It can be difficult diagnosing your tree issues. There are many potential culprits and can make it extra difficult to make a decision on a tree that may have been growing for decades or longer. Give us a call and we can come out and assess any tree disease issue you may be having. It’s no cost, it’s easy and most of all it’s safer for you and your trees.
Thousand cankers disease
Thousand Cankers Disease (1000 Cankers Disease) is a more recently recognized disease affecting certain types of Walnut Trees. It is caused by the combined activity of the walnut twig beetle and geomithia morbida, a canker producing fungus. Adult walnut twig beetles carry spores of the fungus that then grows around the chambers that the beetles create.

The disease can be difficult to diagnose and control methods are limited. It is best to contact a professional to first diagnose the disease before taking drastic action such as removing the tree.
- Yellowing
- Wilting leaves and dead limbs in the upper part of the tree.
- Small, sometimes weeping, beetle entry holes in the trunk
- Discolored cankers beneath the bark
- Infected trees may also often produce suckers from the lower trunk
Chlorosis is a condition in which leaves produce insufficient chlorophyll. As chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of leaves, chlorotic leaves are pale, yellow, or yellow-white. The affected plant has little or no ability to manufacture carbohydrates through photosynthesis and may die unless the cause of its chlorophyll insufficiency is treated and this may lead to a plant diseases called rusts, although some chlorotic plants are viable if supplied with exogenous sucrose.

- May only show symptoms on one or two branches
- Pale yellow or yellow-white leaves
- In mild cases, the leaf tissue is pale green, but leaf veins remain green
- In moderate cases, the tissue between leaf veins is bright yellow
- In advanced cases, leaf size is stunted and the leaf tissue is pale white to pale yellow
- Leaf margins may become scorched or develop brown spots
- In conifers, overall yellowing of the needles occurs.
Dutch Elm Disease
Dutch elm disease (DED) is caused by a member of the sac fungi (Ascomycota) affecting elm trees and is spread by elm bark beetles. The disease affects species in the genera Ulmus and Zelkova; therefore it is not specific to the Dutch elm hybrid.
- Yellowing and wilting (flagging) of leaves on individual branches
- Leaves can turn brown and curl up as the branch dies
- Susceptible trees often die in a single year, others may linger for several years.

Sudden Oak Death
Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) is an oomycete plant pathogen. The disease kills oak and other species of trees and has had devastating effects on the oak populations in California and Oregon. The disease also infects a number of other plant species, significantly woody ornamentals such as Rhododendron, Viburnum, and Pieris. Infected plants can act as a source of inoculum for new infections, with the pathogen-producing spores that can be transmitted by rain splash and rainwater.
- Bleeding cankers on tree trunks
- Die back of the foliage, possibly leading to the death of the tree.

More Services from Killroy Pest Control
Residential Pest Control Services
Killroy offers as-needed pest control services, as well as monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly service plans with no long-term contracts required. We offer ant control, spider control, flea control, cockroach control, rodent control, gopher control, mole control, and protection from all common household pests including earwigs, pillbugs, sowbugs, crickets, millipedes, mites, flies, bees, wasps, yellow jackets, pantry pests, silverfish, rats, mice and more.
Commercial Pest Control Services
We provide pest control services designed to prevent commercial buildings from being invaded by common crawling insects, rodents, and pests. Let Killroy tailor a program to solve existing pest problems in your commercial property as well as prevent future problems.
Termite Control
Termite control begins with a proper termite inspection. Killroy inspectors will detect active infestations of wood destroying organisms, identifying the species to be treated, and provide you with various options you may have for correcting existing problems and preventing future ones.
Seasonal Pest Control Services
Our seasonal pest control services include dormant tree spraying, olive tree fruit elimination, winter weed control, oak tree spraying, as well as other tree, lawn, and garden pest control.
Sensitive Solutions
Our Sensitive Solutions division provides control of structure-invading pests without the use of traditional chemical sprays or standard pesticide methods. We have an exciting array of natural, non-toxic, and “green” alternatives for customers to choose from.
Pest Control Service Policies
Killroy’s service policies, service guarantee, and important client information including information about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the pesticides and products we use.
Call 888-669-3460 today!
We're here for you.
We are glad to answer any questions or schedule an appointment.
We provide commercial and residential pest control services in the South San Francisco Bay, Tri-Valley areas, and Santa Cruz County.