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We provide commercial and residential pest control services in the South San Francisco Bay, Tri-Valley areas, and Santa Cruz County.
Powderpost Beetle
Pest Control Services
Killroy can solve your wood-destroying beetle problem.

Several species of wood-destroying beetles occur in our area. These include true powderpost beetles, (Lictus spp.), false powderpost beetles, (family Bostrichidae), deathwatch or furniture beetles (Aniobiidae), and flatheaded and roundheaded borers. A good inspection by a Killroy pest management professional will reveal the extent of beetle infestation and dictate the most appropriate treatment strategy.
Wooden items that can be effected by powderpost beetles include wooden tool handles, frames, furniture, books, toys, flooring, and structural timbers. The term “powderpost” comes from the fact that the larvae of these beetles feed on wood, and with enough time can reduce it to powder. This makes them a pest that must be controlled.
Call 888-669-3460 today!
We're here for you.
We are glad to answer any questions or schedule an appointment.
We provide commercial and residential pest control services in the South San Francisco Bay, Tri-Valley areas, and Santa Cruz County.