Suborder of insects in the order Coleoptera
Beetles are named for their hardened forewings, which cover the membranous hindwings when not in use for flight. This characteristic is shared by all members of the group, and distinguishes them from most other insects, which have membranous or leathery forewings. Beetles typically have 6 legs (though some may have fewer) and chewing mouthparts. They can be distinguished from other orders by the shape of their antennae. Families within the order Coleoptera have clubbed antennae. Those in other orders may have thread-like or feathery antennae instead.
There are over 350,000 species of beetles, divided into 17 suborders. This number is likely to rise with discoveries still being made today.

What are Beetles?
Beetles are a group of insects with hard outer wings. They have a head, thorax and abdomen, which are all parts of the body. The antennae that they use to find food and mates are usually long and feathery-looking. Beetles come in many shapes and sizes, but most have four legs on their front side (called the thorax) and six legs on their backside (called the abdomen). You can find beetles almost everywhere in nature. However, some species prefer dry habitats while others choose wet ones or places that are warm all year long.
The life Cycle of Beetles
The life cycle of a beetle consists of four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. Each stage is different in appearance and function. The eggs are small with a hard cover that protects them from predators or damage from other animals. The larvae are worm-like creatures with jointed legs for crawling around. Pupae look like adults but without wings or legs. Then they emerge as adult beetles after a week or so to eat food and mate within their species.
The majority of beetles lay their eggs in soil where there is decaying matter, such as dead plants or in rotting wood piles. Some species lay their eggs directly into plant tissues. Others deposit them inside other insects such as termites or ants which care for them until they hatch into larvae.
Common Beetles in California
California is a great place to see beetles. Insects, including beetles, make up the vast majority of life forms on earth. Beetles are one of the most diverse groups of insects and there are over 350,000 beetle species in the world. California has 4,000 different beetle species!
There are many different types of beetles that you may find while exploring California’s natural areas. Some common ones include:
- Soldier beetles (family Cantharidae)
- Tiger beetles (family Cicindelidae)
- Ground beetles (family Carabidae)
- Weevils (family Curculionidae)
- Scarab beetles (suborder Scarabeomorphae)
- Rove beetles (family Staphylinidae)

Beetles are fascinating creatures that play an important role in our everyday lives.
Beetles are fascinating creatures that play an important role in our everyday lives. Beetles are a diverse group of insects that inhabit nearly all parts of the world and live in almost every type of habitat. They can be found on land and under water, as well as in trees and even inside plants. Beetles play a major part in controlling insect populations because they feed on other insects, sometimes even other beetles!
Beetles have been around for over 300 million years—almost 100 times longer than humans have walked the earth! This longevity gives them plenty of time to develop interesting features. Some beetles even have body parts that look like tools or weapons. Some use these tools for defense against predators or food gathering purposes.
There are many different types of beetles in the world. Some beetles are pests, but most are beneficial by eating dead plants and animals.