Flea Pest Control in Newark
Has your Newark home or office been invaded?
At less than a quarter inch in length, fleas are actually quite tiny. They look almost like a grain of sand, so you have to really be on the lookout for them to appear. Since they tend to hide out when exposed to light, you have to really spend time looking for them on your pet. If you see one, you can rest assured that there are a lot more lurking in the shadows that you aren’t seeing. Don’t delay in getting the problem addressed today.
Pets that continually lick their skin when dealing with fleas might end up swallowing one and ending up with tapeworms. These parasites can take their toll on your family pet. In fact, they take all of the nutrients your pet needs for survival. Don’t sit back and hope the problem is going to go away on its own. It’s up to you to do something about it. Make the calls you need to begin ridding your home of fleas today.
Powders, collars and sprays aren’t as capable of eliminating fleas from your property and your beloved family pet as some might think. Regardless of what you have been told in the past, that doesn’t mean it is the truth. Spend some time talking with someone who cares at Killroy Pest Control today. You won’t be disappointed in the level of service you are going to receive here. Take a minute and schedule your consultation with a pro today.
Killroy professionals can help to control your flea problem.
Homeowners, business owners and schools all need someone who has experience when it comes to eliminating pests from the property. Instead of wasting time with an inexperienced professional, you should contact the crew at Killroy to discuss your concerns. 60 years of experience says something about a company, which is why you need to turn to them to help with your pest control problems.