Ant Pest Control in Modesto

Ants! Control your ant problem with Killroy Pest Control

Regardless of how much you do to keep your home nice and clean, there is little that can be done to prevent all of the pests from coming in and taking over your space.

Ants make their presence known by trouncing all over your counters and inside of your food pantry. No one wants to eat food where an ant has made their home. Stop allowing the ants to run your life. It’s up to you to take the first step in eliminating the ants by calling upon Killroy Pest Control.

Forget the bother of pests and start doing something about it. If you allow ants to continue roaming your home, you are going to end up with a damaged food supply that ends up in the garbage can. Your money is going to go right out the window with all of the damage done by the ants. Don’t allow them to destroy your possessions. Do something about it with a call to the pros.

Ants are a hard insect to get rid of. They seem to come up out of nowhere. Even if you don’t leave food and sugary items out where they can get to them. Exterminators like Killroy, can treat them quickly and effectively. You will not have to repeatedly call them out to treat your ant problem or waste a bunch of money on ineffective methods.

While there are plenty of different businesses you can turn to for your pest control problem, only one is going to give you the level of care and professionalism that this family owned business can. At Killroy, the team has been working to help people in the area just like you since 1956. Homeowners, business owners and schools can all use the services of this one company who can handle your pest problems today.

Ants and Ant Pest Control Services

Argentine Ants

(most common in kitchens, famous for “trails”)
Argentine Ant Pest Control Services

Carpenter Ants

(excavate galleries and damage wood structures)
Carpenter Ant Pest Control Services