Page: Killroy Blog, Updates, and Articles

Spotting Trouble A Field Guide to Common Garden Pests

Spotting Trouble: A Field Guide to Common Garden Pests

As lovers of lush greenery and vibrant landscapes, we understand the frustration that comes with pests. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, knowing how to spot and address these nuisances is essential for maintaining the health and beauty of your outdoor spaces. The Unwelcome Guests Picture this: you step into your meticulously

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Integrated Pest Management Techniques for a Flourishing Garden

Integrated Pest Management Techniques for a Flourishing Garden

Mechanical control involves physical methods to eradicate or deter pests from your garden. Handpicking larger pests like caterpillars and snails can be an effective way to reduce populations. This is especially effective in smaller gardens. Installing barriers such as row covers or mesh netting can protect vulnerable plants from insect damage. These barriers will also

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Harnessing the Power of Beneficial Insects

Garden Warriors: Harnessing the Power of Beneficial Insects

Imagine stepping into your garden oasis, the vibrant colors of your flowers dancing in the gentle breeze, the lush greenery providing a sense of tranquility. However, amidst this beauty, lurks a silent threat – pests. These tiny invaders will attack your carefully nurtured plants, turning your sanctuary into a battleground. But nature has bestowed upon

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Protecting Pets During Pest Control Tips for Responsible Owners

Protecting Pets During Pest Control: Tips for Responsible Owners

As pet owners, we cherish the companionship and joy our furry friends bring into our lives. However, when faced with the need for pest control in our homes, concerns about our pets’ safety and well-being understandably arise. How can we ensure their comfort and safety while effectively dealing with pest issues? In this guide, we’ll

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Peachy Keen Gardens Dormant Spray Against Leaf Curl

Peachy Keen Gardens: Dormant Spray Against Peach Leaf Curl

Peachy Keen Gardens: Dormant Spray Against Peach Leaf Curl Imagine the delight of walking through your garden, surrounded by the lush foliage of your prized peach trees. The vibrant greenery, the promise of sweet fruit, and the joy of nurturing a living ecosystem. Yet, this idyllic scene can be disrupted by the ominous presence of

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Protecting Your Bay Area Home from Winter Pests: A Seasonal Guide

Protecting Your Bay Area Home from Winter Pests: A Seasonal Guide As the crisp air descends upon the Bay Area, and the leaves fall gracefully from the trees, your home becomes a coveted sanctuary for many unwelcome guests seeking warmth, shelter, and sustenance. November and December are prime months for various pests to invade Bay

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Gophers in the Fall A Seasonal Challeng

Gophers in the Fall: A Seasonal Challenge

Gophers in the Fall: A Seasonal Challenge Preparing for Fall Gopher Invasions As the leaves start to change color and the air turns crisp, fall ushers in a unique set of challenges for homeowners, including the invasion of gophers. These underground rodents can wreak havoc on your lawn and garden during this season. Here’s what

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