Weed Control and removal services

Weeds Removal and Control in Tracy

Killroy Pest Control since 1956

Weed Control Services in Tracy

Weed control services are for those with a yard or lawn that must be kept free of weeds and look healthy. Weeds can be very annoying, as they get in the way of planting flowers or vegetables. They can also use up all the water from the soil, which will cause your garden to die. It is time for your yard to look its best by hiring weed control services from Killroy Pest Control.

Getting rid of weeds is difficult, especially if you do not know what kind of weeds you are dealing with. Some weeds can be ripped up and thrown away, while other types need different treatments to get rid of them. Weed maintenance will help keep your property clean and weed-free.

Enlisting the services of a professional service will ensure that you get the most effective results. You do not have to guess the best way to treat your weeds. A professional will come to your property and provide the proper weed control treatment for your lawn.

Weed Removal Service

There are a few types of weed control services you can choose. They all have different methods, but each will get rid of those pesky weeds.

A Combination Lawn Service for Better Weed Control

This lawn service uses chemicals that break down the weed’s roots and stops them from growing for an extended period. It lasts for about one month, but it effectively keeps the yard free of weeds. The great thing about this is that it gives fertilizer to your lawn, and at the same time, it kills off any weeds.

Control Weeds with Herbicide Treatments

This treatment will kill off all of the weeds in your yard and keep them from coming back for months. They are applied through a sprayer that will shoot out over your yard in a specific pattern intended to kill every weed you can see. We can come a couple of times a year and we’re professional and effective. We can even perform other pest control services in Tracy in the same visit.

Weed-and-Feed Services

This service uses a weed and feed, which is a product that kills weeds but gives nutrients back to your lawn. We ca come every 3 to 4 weeks for about an hour, spray individual plants with the weed killer, and fertilize them. You can use any organic fertilizer.

Contact Killroy before it gets out of hand if you see the same types of weeds repeating themselves in your yard over time.

Treat your yard with a weed killer that can be absorbed into the weed and suffocate them to get the best results.

Tree Spraying Services

When you choose a weed control service, you should choose one that comes at least twice a year. It will ensure that you won’t have to pay more money later to have your yard treated again.

Weed control services are helpful for many yards. They allow a yard to be effectively cleaned of weeds and unwanted plants.

If you are interested in hiring Killroy Pest Control‘s weed control service, use this information to help choose the right one for you and your yard. Remember that people with larger yards should hire weed control services that can treat a large land area. Also, be cautious if you have children or animals, as some weed killers can be harmful until the toxic chemical is gone from the air and ground.


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