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Oak Tree Pest and Disease Control

Oak trees have a very heavy bark and add a stately look to any property. They have a natural resistance to many common insects and other pests, however, nature finds a way and there are some things to watch out for when it comes to your yard’s mighty oak health against common pests and tree disease.

Things to Look for in Your Oak Trees

Oak Tree Pest and Disease Control​

Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is a fungal infection. It is more common, but not specific to Red Oaks. If you have a tree with Oak WIlt, it is best to get it isolated immediately before it spreads. Removing and burning the infected area may be your only recourse.


Anthracnose is also caused by fungi. This time it is the White Oak that is more susceptible, but it can affect other oaks as well. It appears as brown spots or blotches along the bark’s veins. Taking care of Anthracnose will involve specific pesticides.

Oak Tatters

On your younger trees, you might be experiencing Oak Tatters, a ripping and tearing out of the leaves that makes them look tattered and worn.

Possible Oak Tree Infestations

Oak Tree Pit Scales

The Aesterolecanium, or Oak Tree Pit Scales, are not a common culprit when it comes to the health of your oak, but they are drawn to specific soil types and temperatures. They can be very hard to detect, appearing as only small bumps on the tree’s already thick bark.

Wondering if your tree has Pit Scales? Look for leaves and twigs that dry up quickly. Their color is green and brownish. Luckily, they only make their appearance in spring, so with diligence, you can stop them before they do too much damage.

Bark Lice Webbings and Oak Trees

Psocids, more commonly known as Bark Lice or Tree Cattle, are very destructive. They produce a silk-like webbing that appears wrapped around the bark, not on the leaves or branches. Psocids hurt your oak trees by feeding on natural fungi that help the tree, but don’t get them confused with the mostly harmless garden caterpillars that may also take up residence in your oak in spring.

Want to know if you have Bark Lice? In spring check for threadlike webs clinging to the bark of your tree.

Other Oak Tree Insects

Oakleaf rollers, oakleaf tiers, scarlet oak sawflies or oak slugs, gypsy moths, and the forest tent caterpillars may also make an appearance around your oaks in spring. For the most part, these insects are not particularly harmful, but they can be treated with several methods such as tree spraying if their presence gets out of hand or concerns you.

Oak Tree Pest and Disease Control​

Call 888-669-3460 today!

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We are glad to answer any questions or schedule an appointment.
We provide commercial and residential pest control services in the South San Francisco Bay, Tri-Valley areas, and Santa Cruz County.

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